
Innovative Solutions for Your Needs

Agency Services | Provision of Shipowner | Ship Operator

Tentang Kami

Kami adalah perusahaan Pemilik Kapal (Ship Owner), Keagenan Kapal, Forwarding yang berpengalaman di Batam. Tim kami berpengalaman, tepat waktu, jujur dan berdedikasi tinggi dalam menyelesaikan permintaan klien. Kami memiliki tim pemasaran, tim layanan pelanggan, dan tim operasi. (petugas asrama untuk menangani pekerjaan sehari-hari)

About Us

We are a Ship Owner, Ship Agency, Forwarding company with experience in Batam. Our team is experienced, punctual, honest and highly dedicated in solving client requests. We have a marketing team, customer service team and operations team. (boarding officer to handle daily work)

Pengantar / Introduce

PT. Maritim Global Ekspres dimulai pada tahun 2023 merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Pelayaran, Keagenan, Operator Kapal yang berlokasi di Batam. Aktivitasnya meliputi pelayanan swasta, pemerintahan, perusahaan perorangan dan legalitas sebagai berikut:

PT. Maritim Global Ekspres starting in 2023 is a company engaged in shipping, agency, Ship Operators located in Batam. Our involvement includes private services, government, private companies and legality as follows:

Siupal : AL.001/891/SP_SIUPAL/III/2023

SK Menkumham RI : AHU-0001952.AH.01.01.Tahun 2023

NPWP : 62.388.881.5-004.000

NIB : 2101230010497

Bidang Usaha

  • Kepemilikan / Pengadaan kapal (Tanker, Tug & Barge, Crew Boat, etc)
  • Pelayanan keagenan kapal, Jasa Operator Kapal & Pelabuhan
  • Penyediaan penambatan kapal


  • Ownership / Procurement of ships (Tanker, Tug & Barge, Crew Boat, etc)
  • Ship agency services, Ship & Port Operator Services
  • A lay Up Vessel / Ship to Ship


Untuk menerapkan standard mutu kami memiliki sistem management yang berkualitas dan bersertifikat. Di antaranya, keselamatan, kesehatan serta lingkungan sesuai standar ISO 9001, 2015, ISO 14001, 2015, BS OHSAS 18001, 2007.


To implement quality standards, we have a quality and certified management system. Among other things, safety, health and the environment according to ISO 9001, 2015, ISO 14001, 2015, BS OHSAS 18001, 2007 standards.

Corporate Structure

Corporate Structure

Our Services

The following are the service that we offer:

Ship Owner

Ship Owner



Port Call

Port Call

Bill of Loading

Bill of Loading

Offshore Support

Offshore Support

Ship to Ship

Ship to Ship

Dry Docking

Dry Docking



Rig Lay Ups

Rig Lay Ups

Cargo Brokerage

Cargo Brokerage

Crew Manning

Crew Manning

Visi / Vision

Menjadi perusahaan yang sukses untuk bangsa dan kemuliaan.

Become a successful company for the nation and glory.

Misi / Mission

  1. Memberikan pelayanan jasa QCIP (Karantina, Imigrasi, Bea Cukai, dan Syahbandar)
  2. Memberikan keuntungan bagi perusahaan, serta pelanggan.
  3. Memberikan integritas tinggi dalam semua aktivitas dalam memperlakukan semua pelanggan dan karyawan dengan cara yang adil serta terhormat.
  4. Memberikan kontribusi positif, menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan dalam kehidupan sosial bermasyarakat melalui CSR.
  1. Providing QCIP services (Quarantine, Immigration, Customs and Syahbandar)
  2. Provide benefits for the company, as well as customers.
  3. With high integrity in all activities in treating all customers and employees in a fair and respectful manner.
  4. Making a positive contribution, creating jobs in social life through CSR.


Below are some pictures of the projects we have worked on:

Our Clients

In a professional world of work, of course we always provide services and always prioritize quality. Here are our partners who have trusted us:

Anugerah Samudera Indonesia

“The service provided by PT. Maritim Global Ekspres to PT. Anugerah Samudera Indonesia is highly satisfactory. Their timely deliveries and high level of professionalism make this collaboration truly valuable. We highly recommend them as a reliable logistics partner.”

PT. Anugerah Samudera Indonesia

Bina Buana Raya

“We wholeheartedly recommend PT. Maritim Global Ekspres to any company seeking top-notch ship charter services. Their dedication to quality service and customer satisfaction sets them apart in the industry. We look forward to continuing our partnership with them in the future.”

PT. Bina Buana Raya

Dharma Surya Samudra

“We take immense pleasure in expressing our utmost satisfaction with PT. Maritim Global Ekspres and their outstanding ship charter services. Their unwavering professionalism and reliability have left a lasting impression on our company.”

PT. Dharma Surya Samudra

Marina Offshore Group

“As a loyal business partner, we are delighted to provide a testimonial for PT. Maritim Global Ekspres. Since collaborating with this maritime company, we have had an exceptional experience in vessel management, logistics, shipping, maritime services, and more.”

Marina Offshore Group PTE LTD

Obsidian Stainless steel

“PT. Maritim Global Ekspres excels in chartering well-maintained vessels, highlighting their commitment to quality. With experienced crews and strict safety measures, they ensure secure and smooth voyages meeting international standards.”

PT. Obsidian Stainless steel

Rover Maritime

“PT. Maritim Global Ekspres has proven to be a professional, reliable, and highly committed company when it comes to customer satisfaction. They boast a skilled team with extensive knowledge of the maritime industry, always ready to assist us in facing challenges and finding efficient solutions.”

Rover Maritime PTE LTD

Seno Hidayah Lines

“The reliability of PT. Maritim Global Ekspres has been a crucial factor in streamlining our operations and enhancing our overall business efficiency. We wholeheartedly recommend their services to anyone seeking top-notch maritime solutions. They are indeed a trusted partner in the maritime industry.”

PT. Seno Hidayah Lines

Topniche Marine

“PT. Maritim Global Ekspres is a trusted and respected partner in the maritime industry, offering personalized solutions and meticulous attention to detail. Their unwavering commitment to excellence and innovative approach make them an invaluable asset to our business.”

Topniche Marine PTE LTD

Virtue Dragon Nickel Industri

“Efficient, reliable, and professional, that's PT. Maritim Global Ekspres. Their seamless handling of maritime services has been a game-changer for our business.”

PT. Virtue Dragon Nickel Industri
